Editorial Bait-and-Switch
Syndrome (BSS) Not to be confused with BSE, Bait-and-Switch Syndrome (BSS) is sweeping the nation and bringing Americans to their knees. This wasted brain disease constitutes an eminent threat to our nation's security and is spread from the Oval Office by all known vectors, and probably some that are as yet unknown. There is presently no cure available for BSS, but one is expected to be released in November 2004. BSS is believed to be caused by a prionic mutation of the faith gene. While BSS mimics many other conditions and can be difficult to diagnose, you may be in the early stages of BSS if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
Pending the expected release of the cure in November, the only known treatment for mitigating some of the symptoms of BSS is to lighten up a little and CLICK HERE for a gazillion smiles!