This page was last updated on January 06, 2009
. Cloud
Over Worland BLM: A Speculation
by: Larry Walker, 6/2/06
Retired from BLM,
my thoughts turn -
to embattled defendants,
to Worland, Wyoming.
I must empathize.
Where, I wonder, will this all lead.
I read of the Supreme Court's new ruling.
I imagine links with Worland.
With SLAPPs - Where
will it end?
I must empathize.
In my mind, I stand in their boots.
I evaluate my chances.
What are my options?
What are my choices?
I must empathize.
Employer defends me. Adequate?
No? I grow uncomfortable.
Do I have others up to the task?
No? My discomfort rises.
I must empathize.
I am what, a mushroom of 8 years?
Sold out, fertilizer coated and foul.
Kept in dark. Oh dank and feted air..
Justice? I think not Department of.
I must empathize.
A breeze stirs. Hung out to dry.
Now twisting in the wind.
Clouds begin to gather.
Dark. Gloom. Sad
I must empathize.
Legal, help from others?
"Cash," I say - I have none.
Where then? AFGE, ACLU?
Who else? What else still
I must empathize.
Motions to file before trial.
But what? And how?
A silver bullet I need.
Help me, what can I do?
I must empathize.
Now my head spins.
My family so glum.
My friends?
Oh where have they gone.
I must empathize.
Out of imagined boots I look around
Black cloud over Worland
Chill breeze makes me shiver.
Spreading. Darker.
I must empathize.
Now the cloud covers Wyoming
Chill breeze still, I shiver again.
Now all of BLM, soon the nation.
Public employees everywhere.
I must empathize.
I pull of those boots,
Larry Walker